Our joints wear out as we age – just like in machines, and you may have to get a replacement to have full mobility. While proper treatment of arthritis can help, you may have to live with a joint replacement. Surgery Concierge offers a variety of services to assist you through this process. 

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

It’s a medical procedure where a dysfunctional or arthritic joint is replaced with an orthopedic prosthesis.  Often, patients are referred to surgery after they have tried other non-surgical methods to alleviate pain in the joints. Joint replacement is a highly effective medical procedure if done at the right time. About 790,000 Americans undergo total knee replacement surgery every year, and about 450,000 hip replacements are performed in a single year in the United States. So, it is a pretty common medical procedure, and the numbers will increase in the future as average life expectancy increases. 

How is a Joint Replacement Surgery Performed?

The damaged bone and cartilage are surgically removed from the joint. Then, they are replaced with prosthetic parts made of plastic, ceramic or metal. The prosthetic parts are shaped exactly like the natural parts, and they mimic the movements of a normal joint.

Can you return to everyday life after a joint replacement surgery?

Absolutely. Joint replacement surgeries are done so that you can live a normal life. Many joint replacement patients have gone on to live fulfilling lives playing sports, cycling, golfing and even running in marathons. 

How long does it take to recover from a joint replacement surgery?

Complete recovery from a hip replacement surgery takes anywhere from 2 to 6 months. By the end of 6 weeks, you will be able to do most of your daily chores. After 3 months, you will gain back the strength you had lost and will be able to do daily activities without any restriction. Complete recovery from a knee replacement surgery takes a bit longer, about 3 to 12 months. You will be able to do most of the activities by the end of 3 months, but you must respect restrictions for a full year. It takes about a year to recover from a shoulder joint replacement surgery fully. You have to remember that recovery time is mainly dependent on your health condition and commitment.

How long before you can walk and drive after the surgery?

You can walk the very next day after the surgery but with assistance in the form of a cane or walker. You can walk without requiring any support by the end of the first month. Again, this depends on your health condition. In most cases, surgeons will allow you to drive once you have stopped taking pain relief medications. Consult with your surgeon before returning to driving. Always listen to your body in such cases and do not over exert yourself. Know the activity restrictions that you have to follow immediately after a joint replacement surgery to avoid accidents. Start your journey for joint replacement surgery here.